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Kew Woods Attendance and Punctuality

The general rules on school attendance include:
– it is a parents’ duty to send their child to school regularly if they are of compulsory
school age.
– it is schools’ responsibility to record attendance and follow up absence
– the local authority is able to resume the use of legal sanctions, including penalty
notices and processes that may lead to prosecution in court for persistent absence.

Regular and punctual school attendance is important.  Pupils need to attend school regularly
if they are to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them by law.
Kew Woods Primary School fully recognises its responsibilities to ensure pupils are in school
and on time, therefore, having access to learning for the maximum number of days and

Along with attending school every day, being punctual is extremely important and in fact an
essential life skill. Our lessons start as soon as children enter school at 8:45am. The children
who are regularly late therefore miss vital learning time each day.  This can then add up to a
significant amount of learning time lost within a half term. If there are children who are
repeatedly late we will contact the parents and carers to establish reasons for this and we
will work together to resolve the issues.

If your child cannot come to school because of illness, you should advise the school on the
first day of absence by telephone or email if you are unable to speak to a member of the
admin team.  If no message is received, we will assume that your child is absent without
your permission.  We will then make every effort to contact you.  The school requires two
emergency contact numbers.  It is essential that the school is kept informed of changes of
contact details such as phone numbers and addresses. First day of absence you will receive
a text asking you to call school. Day 2 without communication school will call until we have a
reason for absence. If there is no response a member of SLT will make a home visit.

We aim to not let the attendance of any child fall below 95% – if this happens you will
initially receive a text making you aware that your child’s attendance is being monitored
followed by a letter if there is no improvement. If it continues to decrease we will invite
parents in for a meeting to establish what the issues are and how we can help to ensure
attendance improves and an attendance plan put in place.
Attendance is a key priority in our school and is celebrated in assemblies. Attendance is
always written into our termly newsletters.
School opening times are:
8:45am each morning and closes at 3:15pm

Parents and carers You have an important part to play! – Here are a few reminders and
Starting at an early age, make sure that your child attends school regularly, arrives on time
and keeps to the school rules.
– Take an interest in your child and the work done at school.
– If you are worried about your child – contact school.
– Work together to help your child succeed.
– If your child is absent for any reason contact the school on 01704 533 478

– Let school know in advance if your child is going to be late or needs to be collected from
school early.