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Relationships are really important to us at Kew Woods.  Our values of ‘connect’, ‘kindness’ and ‘believe’ are pivotal to our school. We make sure that we give time and have time to connect and listen to everyone who is part of our school community showing kindness and respect. Our relationship and behaviour policy were written based on educational research and in collaboration with all staff. 

Our PSHE curriculum incorporates the statutory EYFS Framework and the Relationship Education, Sex Education and Health Education (RSE) content introduced in 2020. Our Relationship Education programme provides the foundations to identify the characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other peers and adults. Pupils also learn about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up and sexual health in an age-appropriate way. This goes beyond learning about relationships, to include puberty, how a baby is conceived and born, body ownership and safeguarding. 

PSHE and RSE is given a high priority at Kew Woods, with a weekly session being timetabled and delivered by a qualified teacher. Lessons are referred to as ‘Life Learning’, providing the skills and knowledge to be successful in society. Core knowledge is broken down into units of manageable size and carefully sequenced within a planned programme. To support the teaching of high quality PSHE and PHE, as well as reducing teacher workload, we use the 1Decision resources and planning from Reception to Year 6. We supplement the 1Decision scheme with assemblies, visitors, additional programmes and initiatives, as well as pupil focused groups and ambassadors, to meet the specific needs of our community. Teachers adapt the detailed planning and resources to meet the needs of their class and their high-quality teaching and differentiation where required, ensure all pupils including those with SEND, can access and make progress. We have ambition for all across all areas of our curriculum. When planning and resourcing, teachers take account of religious backgrounds of the class to ensure topics are appropriately handled and they comply with the relevant sections of Equality Act 2010. The teaching reflects the law so the pupils know and understand what the law in this country allows. We also listen to the views of parents who give feedback to SLT and teachers. Our programme is adapted after listening to the views of our pupils through pupil interviews, online surveys, counselling support sessions and the work in their books to ensure it addresses their needs.