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Physical Health

Curriculum drivers shape our curriculum breadth at Kew Woods. They are developing a love of learning, being happy, healthy and safe and performing arts. The drivers are derived from the backgrounds of our pupils, our beliefs about high quality education and our values.

Personal, Social, Health Economics (PSHE) at our school strives to give the pupils from Nursery to Year 6 at Kew Woods the knowledge and understanding to lead confident, safe, healthy lives, whilst preparing them for the next stage of their lives

Health Education covers Kew Woods Primary School PSHE / RSE Policy physical health content like basic first aid, diet and nutrition, drugs and alcohol, puberty and the need for exercise and good quality sleep, alongside teaching about mental health issues too.

PSHE and RSE is given a high priority at Kew Woods, with a weekly session being timetabled and delivered by a qualified teacher. Lessons are referred to as ‘Life L Learning’, providing the skills and knowledge to be successful in society. Core knowledge is broken down into units of manageable size and carefully sequenced within a planned programme. To support the teaching of high quality PSHE and PHE, as well as reducing teacher workload, we use the 1Decision resources and planning from Reception to Year 6. We supplement the 1Decision scheme with assemblies, visitors, additional programmes and initiatives, as well as pupil focused groups and ambassadors, to meet the specific needs of our community.

The scheme of work allows pupils to learn at a basic level and revisit content but extend and apply their knowledge as they progress. Revisiting content allows for retrieval and promotes long term learning rather than short term. Our programme is also carefully planned to ensure we enhance not duplicate the work covered in Science, Computing, Design and Technology and PE but enhance it.